Mobile App Testing FAQs
Will my Mobile App work as well on iOS as on Android devices?
We have hundreds of real devices including iOS, Android™ and Windows® to test this out. We can also advise you on a representative sample set that you should consider for optimum coverage.
I expect my App to be used across Europe. Can you test location and time differences?
Yes absolutely. We’ve done this for many clients and this type of testing often reveals critical issues before the product is released to the customer.
Once we launch, we’re planning a program of updates. Can you help with that?
We can advise the best way to test and release updates. We can test new users and updating users, new apps and updated apps.
What browsers and devices should I consider when testing?
Our statistic research has the answer. We can create an optimized compatibility matrix for your project and advise what coverage you should be building towards.
We have different language versions of our website. Can you test them?
Yes. We can test websites in any right-to-left and left-to-right language.
Can you test my app under outside the Test Lab, under real-life conditions?
Yes, we call this service In-the-Wild testing and do it for many of our larger mobile app clients.
Should I develop an iOS app or build an HTML5 web app?
We can advise on what people expect and where the technology is limited, to help you plan your development.
Contact us
To discuss your requirements, please contact us.